Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow day round 3

So if you didn't know, it's been "snowing" aka icing here in the DFW. We are now going on our 3rd snow day in a row. Can I get a hell yes? I've been doing absolutely nothing but relaxing and lounging around. My kind of day!

So yesterday I was at my cousin Wilson's house and he had the idea of sledding in the golf course next to his house. Let me just say that was probably one of the funnest things ever! Although I do have some battle wounds it was well worth it! It was Anthony, Wilson, Trisha, Cherie, Andie, and I. We even tried linking together and going down this huge hill which was a disaster but oh so fun!

I have lots of videos but I'll post them up when I can. I promise you that you'll want to see these. They're priceless and too funny! Stay tuned for some of the most embarrassing falls ever!

-Olivia Elise

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