Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Best friends for never

Growing up I've never had any true "best friends". Of course I had lots of "aquaintences" but I can't say that I had any true friends. All of the "best friends" I had growing up all stabbed me in the back one way or the other. Luckily I have a huge family and lots of cousins that are basically my sisters/brothers/best friends anyway...but sometimes I just wish I could say, "We've been friends since we were kids!" Maybe cause I was always more mature and never really enjoyed the company of people my age...I did try to just get over that and continue some of the friendsips I had but of course these girls were just bad news. I noticed that I'm just a litle too trusting towards people, which needs to stop! I guess you can say I am the type of person to wear my heart on my sleeve. Everyone knows I can be the sweetest girl but I'm also very opinionated and not afraid to say what's on my mind. Is that bad? I just want people who have the same interests and even morals and values?! Is that too much to ask for? Girls these days are just nasty, trashy girls who follow each other cause they don't have a mind of their own. When I leave this dump called Irving hopefully I'll meet some real people and I'll be able to say "We've been friends since college!"...For those few great friends I have, thanks for being you and being true to not only me but yourselves also!

-Olivia Elise

1 comment:

  1. I am beginning to think we are the same person! With the exception of Rachel, all of my "close" friends from high school have either drifted or changed completely. You are too bright and driven to be trapped in Irving. Seriously, look at the big majority of people either never left, or came crawling back with their tail between their legs... They might as well be clones of one another.. I have faith in you!
