Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tat Tat Tatted Up

Not too long ago Anthony got his first tattoo. I was so skeptical to the idea of him not only getting a tattoo on his chest but getting a tattoo period. I have sorta mixed feelings when it comes to tattoos. I've always been told by my parents that if I ever got a tattoo, I would be presenting myself poorly and pretty much long story short, they'd kill me. I've never been a huge fan but casually would see some tattoos on people that I absolutely loved. Tattoos are just another form of art and I love art. Lately I've been thinking to myself, "If I got a tattoo, what would I get?"...the thought of something being permanent on my body is terrifying but at the same time if it has a special meaning behind it then why not? Not saying that I'm getting one, or at least anytime soon, but if I did, here are a few ideas I like...

So simple, yet says so much.

I would have some words like either, "hic et nunc" which means "here and now" in latin, or "amor passio ambitio" which means "love passion ambition" in latin (the three words I try and live by)

Here's a picture of Ant after he got his first tattoo. It's his grandmother Cecilia's signature over his heart. Anyone who knows him knows that she passed away a year ago and she meant the world to him. Again, although Im not a fan of tattoos I think this was beautifully done. Simple and sweet

Xx Olivia Elise

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